Paul Heyman On Brock Lesnar Possibly Leaving WWE After WrestleMania


Brock Lesnar is a dominant force wherever he decides to go as long as he’s not playing in the NFL. But there are currently rumors circulating he could leave WWE once his contract is over after WrestleMania. Of course, he’s done this before and came back to WWE but the thinking is this time he might not come back.

Paul Heyman had a little to say to TMZ Sports about the possibility of his client Brock Lesnar possibly taking off to UFC once more. “I think Brock Lesnar does whatever Brock Lesnar wants to do. If Brock Lesnar wants to fight in UFC, Brock Lesnar will fight in UFC. If Brock Lesnar wants to fight in WWE, he will fight in WWE. Ask Braun Strowman, ask Randy Orton, ask The Undertaker. Brock Lesnar does what Brock Lesnar wants to do.”

“The time away [from fighting in the UFC] actually makes him better because his body gets a chance to heal.” He went on to talk about how much damage an average UFC fighter does to their body with all of the rigorous training and weight cutting associated with the sport. “Brock Lesnar is probably the healthiest fighter to enter UFC if he decides to do that.”

He was also asked if he had any interest in becoming the advocate of Ronda Rousey’s in WWE and he continued to cut a promo for the TMZ cameraman by saying, “why limited the people I have my eye on to Ronda Rousey? I have my eye on anyone who’s a top box office attraction.” We went on to say that he also has his eye on players for the New York Knicks and Yankees.

So I guess we’ll never know exactly what Paul Heyman is thinking about doing until something happens.

Brock Lesnar Is Primed for UFC Comeback, Says WWE Manager Paul Heyman | TMZ Sports

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