
Paige has been working since before she was old enough to drive, only growing up in a famous wrestling family she was working in the ring. It turns out all strain on her body since a young age might have done terrible damage to Paige’s body because it is rumored WWE has not cleared her to compete and might never let her wrestle again.

There is a tragic trend in WWE where wrestlers can’t work because WWE won’t let them. You could probably trace it back to Edge but there were more before him. While the trend of more focus on the wrestler’s overall health isn’t a bad thing, it can certainly kill a career.

Paige might have been the victim of another tragic diagnosis from WWE’s doctors. Therefore she could very well never wrestle for WWE again but that doesn’t mean she’ll never wrestle anywhere again. Just like Daniel Bryan, Paige wants to wrestle. So if WWE won’t let her wrestle, perhaps much like The Bearded GOAT she might look at other options around the world as well. After all, 25-years-old is awfully young to call it quits if the passion is there.

Now Paige is opening her own online store. Her merchandise is pretty excellent, to be honest. This fashionable clothing is also pretty reasonably priced but what really gets my attention is the fact that it is branded as “Saraya” which is her real name. Perhaps Paige is looking to build a new brand for herself when her WWE days are over and she’s free to make towns all over the world once more.

Oney Lorcan has been out with a minor injury but it looks like he’s getting ready to return to the ring. But while he’s preparing for a return, it certainly looks like he has a fan in Vince McMahon.

The former Biff Busick recently tweeted out a hilarious picture of Vince McMahon taking a selfie wearing a shirt that says, “Oney Rules.” The genius part of the shirt McMahon is wearing is the fact that the words must be written backward so the shirt is perfect for a mirror selfie.

Either way, it’s a great picture and an even better sign Oney Lorcan is readying himself for battle in an NXT ring once more.