Kevin Owens On If His Promos Are Scripted, Possibly Turning Face

kevin owens

In order to become a star in WWE you need to be on top of your game which means your mic skills need to be just as good, or better than your in-ring abilities. Kevin Owens is a man who knows this all too well, and he’s one of the best talkers on the current WWE roster.

Owens gets more mic time than a lot of other WWE Superstars, and during a recent interview with the Argus Leader he noted that most of the time he gets to put his own spin on his promos.

“I’m sure other performers get different guidelines, and I think it’s a day-by-day scenario of who gets to have more freedom than other people,” Owens said. “We always get help with our interviews from our writers, but you learn to find ways to get your own credits instead of using somebody else’s words. Some people are good at it, and other people aren’t as good. But the people who are good at it usually get more leeway of how to speak and what to say because the fact they can carry an interview. I always know where I’m going, and I know what they want me to deliver. But I do get to put my own spin on it most of the time.”

When Kevin Owens is on the mic he’s usually trying to get the fans to boo him. Owens has been a heel for the entirety of his WWE run so far, but when asked if he’s interested in turning face he said that he’s up for the challenge.

“I don’t really know as far as any ideas or plans that anybody would have for that,” Owens said. “I think I can make anything work. If I can get people to boo me, then I can get people to cheer for me if I want. I’d be up for the challenge.”

Do you think it’s time for Kevin Owens to turn face? Sound off in the comments below.


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