Alexa Bliss’ Next Challenger For Raw Women’s Title Possibly Revealed

alexa bliss

Alexa Bliss came out of WWE Extreme Rules relatively unharmed. She took a Bayley To Belly from The Hugger, but Bliss was able to kick out of the finisher just fine. The Raw Women’s Title match was pretty much a one-sided affair.

The Five Feet Of Fury defeated Bayley in definitive fashion leaving some to wonder who her next opponent might be. After all, if Bayley isn’t going to step up and face Bliss again then someone needs to unless WWE just plans on Alexa holding her title forever, which would be fine by us.

We previously reported Alexa Bliss sent out a tweet to Bayley after their match at Extreme Rules. In her tweet Bliss said “big girls don’t cry but losers do.” She really got her message across and apparently it landed in more Twitter feeds than just Bayley’s.

Nia Jax replied to Alexa Bliss’ tweet and told her they needed to have a little chat. When Jax and Bliss first started their on-screen friendship we thought it would turn out to mean more. Now might be the time for Bliss’ chickens to come home to roost.

Nobody had to help Bliss win her kendo stick on a pole match at Extreme Rules. But Nia Jax still wants to chat with Alexa Bliss and we can only assume it has something to do with the title Bliss successfully defended in Baltimore.

Who knows if WWE is going to jump right into a feud between Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax? Bayley has to do something in the meantime if they do because she can’t stay on the sidelines and lick her wounds forever.

It might be entertaining to see a Jax/Bliss feud. But one thing is for sure, Alexa Bliss isn’t looking forward to the idea if and when it comes around.

Alexa Bliss replied in true heel fashion and seemed to be recanting her words. Bliss does make a great cowardly heel, but she’s still able to back it up in the ring when she needs to. Who knows if Alexa would win a “Davida and Goliatha” type match if it came down to it. But it would sure be fun to watch.



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