Every week Michael Cole conducts a sit down interview for WWE.com and this week the New Day met up with Cole for a little chat. Of course as we all know, the New Day just can’t be contained so it didn’t take long for the interview to go off track.

Cole called out the fact that the New Day referred to Byron Saxton as the best announcer on Raw. Cole offered them a chance to retract their statement but it didn’t go well for him. They asked Cole if he thinks he’s actually good at his job. Cole says he’s “passable.” New Day then spends several minutes just ripping on Michael Cole before Cole says “You do realize this is my interview right?”

From there things get weird, like “New Day weird.” You can follow along with the madness in the clip above.

Madison Square Garden is showing their support for Bret Hart following his prostate cancer diagnosis. You can check out a quick tribute that they posted below.