Neville Says He Doesn’t Care If Triple H Likes Him


Neville is the current WWE Cruiserweight Champion, and according to him he’s the King of the Cruiserweights, and he’s set to defend his title against Austin Aries in a submission match at Extreme Rules.

Triple H is the driving force behind the cruiserweight division, and although Neville admits many people think of Hunter as a role model, the Cruiserweight Champion told Sports Illustrated that he doesn’t care what Triple H thinks of him.

“Hunter is a role model to everybody. Obviously, I’ve got a lot of respect for Hunter. Right now, I’m not concerned about him or his admiration or respect. All I’m concerned about, right now, is myself. I haven’t always been that guy. For the longest time, I was trying to please everybody, the WWE Universe included. Now, I don’t care. If Triple H likes me or dislikes me, that’s not important to me. What’s important to me is me. It’s taken me a long time to say that.”

As far as the division in general goes, Neville says that pound for pound he is unmatched.

“Pound for pound, I’m unmatched. This has traditionally been the world of the giants. For those who are smaller, we’ve always been fighting an uphill battle. The cruiserweight division consists of guys under 205 pounds, but I don’t need to tell you what I do. You can watch me and then you’ll understand what I do and what I’m all about. I don’t want to labor the point. I’m not one of these guys who is going to build myself up to you for an over and put myself over. I do my talking in the ring. Austin Aries, however, is someone who is a better talker than he is a fighter. I am fundamentally a fighter before anything else.”

Who will you be rooting for at Extreme Rules, Neville or Austin Aries? Sound off in the comments below.


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