Neville Almost Has Embarrassing Moment At Payback


The King of The Cruiserweights defended his Cruiserweight Championship on Sunday night at Payback against Austin Aries, and whilst the finish of the match was slightly inventive from Neville, it’s the beginning of the match that the WWE Universe is talking about.

Before all cruiserweight matches, the WWE ring crew has the job of having to change the canvas and the ring ropes to the recognizable purple cruiserweight ones. This is usually quite straight forward for WWE because they go to a backstage segment whilst the crew works hard in a small timeframe.

It seems that they weren’t quick enough on Sunday night as Neville made his way to the ring and was forced to wait outside awkwardly as the ring crew finished the ring and quickly escaped from the other side.

You can check out a video below.

This is the first time it has been noticeable that WWE hasn’t been able to switch the rope in time. Is there really a need to keep changing the ropes to purple? It seems that if it’s creating problems then maybe it’s something that WWE doesn’t actually need to do anymore.

This time it seems that WWE got away with it because Neville only had to wait for a few seconds, but in the future, it could become much more of a hindrance to other wrestlers when really there isn’t that much of a need to switch them.


  1. while slightly noticeable here, it’s not the first nor last time i do agree they don’t NEED to change the rope colors for the cruiserweights but hey gives the ring ninjas something to do i suppose


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