Matt Riddle Comments On Rumored Goldberg Match At WWE SummerSlam

matt riddle

The WWE SummerSlam card has been coming together over the last few weeks, and a few days ago it was announced that Dolph Ziggler is set to face The Miz at the event.

However, Dolph Ziggler has been taking shots at Goldberg in his promos recently, but it’s rumored that his match with The Miz is actually a “red herring” and that Ziggler is set to face Goldberg at SummerSlam.

Matt Riddle hasn’t been shy when it comes to letting the world know he’s not a Goldberg fan, as he’s been quite critical of Goldberg on social media.

The NXT star reacted to the rumored match by suggesting on Instagram that it should be a triple threat.

“Make it a Triple Threat Bro! It’s what the people want! #bro #ob #originalbro #kingofbros #stallion #splx #wwe #nxt #nxtuk #summerslam #brover”

Do you want to see Matt Riddle face Goldberg? Sound off in the comments below.



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