mark henry

Back in 2013, Mark Henry fooled the world when he made his way out the ring to deliver a retirement speech that fans still talk about to this very day. While Henry made people believe his speech was genuine it turned out to be a trick as he quickly attacked John Cena which led to a Cena vs. Henry title match at Money in the Bank.

Mark Henry had a lot of momentum going into the WWE Championship match at Money in the Bank, but he didn’t end up winning the belt that night. While talking about the decision to have Cena win on Busted Open Radio, Mark Henry explained that he didn’t have it in him to be champion at the time.

“I built that for a year. It was a calendar year of me going, ‘I think I’m done.’ When my contract came up, I actually told Vince, ‘I’m not re-signing.’ Then he did the ‘come into my office. Let me talk to you.’ He talked me into coming back and doing all that.

People mad at WWE, guys, don’t be mad at WWE because I lost to John Cena. The same way that I did not want to beat Taker at WrestleMania is the same way that I did not want to have to carry the strap and the pressure of that. Also, my body couldn’t do it.

When you’re the main event guy and you hold the title, every night, you’re going to do two walks, a promo, an in-ring, a main event style match, and then you go to the next town. You’re on every show, every brand. I couldn’t do it. I physically couldn’t do it. It was not their fault. It was the fact that, ‘No, I’m not doing it.'”