Man Shot Outside WWE Performance Center Caused A Scene At NXT Television Tapings


The WWE Universe gets a variety of fans but some people might be best keeping their fandom to themselves. Armando Alejandro Montalvo is already on WWE’s radar because he was shot outside the WWE Performance Center and arrested in the process. Now it looks like he’s back and has a vendetta to announce.

We previously reported how Armando Alejandro Montalvo was arrested once more last year after his ordeal outside the WWE Performance Center. Now it looks like the man who was shot outside the WWE PC in 2015 returned to the NXT Universe with the intention of stirring up some more trouble.

He caused quite a scene outside Full Sail University before the television tapings this week and ranted about Vince McMahon ordering him to be shot. He also had some rather inappropriate ideas of his own pro wrestling persona which he announced unashamedly.

Montalvo was deemed incompetent to proceed in his aggravated-assault trial and was committed to a state-run hospital in 2017. But apparently, he’s out and able to show up at Full Sail University where he continued his campaign against WWE.

As security guards approached him, Armando Alejandro Montalvo took off in a vehicle. In all honesty, this man is disturbed and needs help. You can also take this case by itself or see it as a microcosm of present-day society.

Montalvo posted some interesting videos on his Instagram account giving us a little bit better of a picture about who we’re dealing with here. As you can see by the videos he seems to have a warped view of reality. He can be seen yelling obscenities and speaking about WWE in a very vulgar context.

It’s not good to make light of this kind of situation either. We’ll have to see where this story leads. But hopefully, this is the last we’ve heard from Mr. Montalvo. If anything, WWE needs to make sure this situation doesn’t escalate any further.


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