The Latest On WWE’s Plans For A UK TV Show, Why There Was No Impact HOF This Year

wwe united kingdom

Earlier this year WWE held the first ever United Kingdom Championship Tournament, and the company made it clear that they wanted to launch a UK TV series, but so far movement on the potential series has been slow.

Now it looks like there has been some movement, as the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that WWE officials have indicated to some of their UK wrestlers that the plan is to launch a weekly TV series next year. The company is also reportedly booking buildings as placeholders in case a TV deal does come through, and WWE officials are also said to be looking at several talents from the tryout in Manchester last week.

Bound For Glory has come and gone, and fans couldn’t help but notice that this year Impact Wrestling’s biggest event didn’t include a Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

The feeling was that after Jeff Jarrett parted ways with the company, there was no one left who was really committed to the idea of the Impact Hall of Fame. Names that were reportedly pitched for this year’s induction included Mike Tenay and Jerry Jarrett.

The company eventually decided to kill the concept, but James Storm was apparently not being considered for an induction this year despite rumors that his name was on the list.


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