Last Minute Changes To Raw 25, Problems With The Undertaker’s Promo


Whenever WWE is preparing for a big show there is usually going to be some last minute alterations to the schedule because things are always changing behind the scenes. Depending on what is needed, who might have a different idea, or who’s unable to make the show for whatever reason everything is open to alteration. This is why the famous pro wrestling tagline to any event is “card subject to change.”

As it turns out, Raw 25 was no different and WWE needed to switch a few things around. First off, Enzo Amore was an issue which needed addressing on the afternoon of the big Raw 25th Anniversary Show. When Amore showed up, not only was he wearing an ironic t-shirt, but he was also in some really hot water. Earlier that day news started to go viral concerning allegations of a sexual assault that took place in October involving Amore.

Bryan Alvarez said on Wrestling Observer Live that he believes Enzo Amore was actually fired that day but news of his release wasn’t put out there until the day after.

PW Insider also reports Enzo was actually terminated because he didn’t let WWE know about this issue when it first happened which is their protocol.

On top of that, Alvarez also discussed what he had heard was WWE’s intentions for Amore during the big Raw 25 show. “Here’s the deal, first off that was supposed to be Enzo. I did talk to another person yesterday that said that.  Enzo was supposed to get all of DX’s finishers but he was fired.” Although there are reports that Enzo was scheduled to take on Goldust, it could have still been possible for him to take all of DX’s finishers as well.

PW Insider reports The Peep Show segment featuring Christian was also supposed to take place at a different venue. Captain Charisma was initially supposed to host his show from the Manhattan Center, but obviously, those plans were changed as well.

Wade Keller of PW Torch also reports The Undertaker got a tad lost during his promo at the Manhattan Center because apparently he was thrown off due to the small venue. This could have been a reason why the promo he delivered seemed so strange, but then again it might have been the mixed messages he was trying to convey as well. One thing is for sure that he hasn’t had that short of an entrance in a very long time.


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