Kurt Angle On Changes He’d Make In TNA And If Hogan Should Resign


Kurt Angle recently spoke to Dave Lagreca and Doug Morton on SiriusXM’s busted open. During the interview they touched on many topics including what Angle would change if he was in charge of TNA.

On changes he’d make if he were in charge:

I would have a better way of organizing things. I would have a lot more rehearsal. I would have talent come to the ring every hour of the day and just rehearse and go over and just ram it down their throats so that they have it right when they come to the show that night. We have been doing that. Have we been doing it enough? Yes and no. But I don’t want it to become, and it’s not in any means a WCW, but you don’t want it to become where the talent says what they want to say and the story isn’t going to go anywhere because the writers and the talent aren’t really talking. I don’t want it to become that. I want it to become more organized like the way Vince McMahon runs the show. That’s how I was brought in and for seven years that’s how I was taught. I believe TNA is going in that direction now.”

On if TNA should resign Hulk Hogan:

“Oh yeah! A lot of people would say no but look what this guy has done for wrestling. Anytime he goes out he gets the loudest cheer. It doesn’t matter if he is wrestling or not. Hogan is a talent you want in your company and I have a lot of respect for him. I didn’t have a lot of respect for him when he first started, but I really didn’t know him because I didn’t watch wrestling when I first started. But getting to know him and seeing what he has done for the business, I would say heck yeah, you want to sign that guy.”


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