kevin owens

There are certain things you never do. You don’t spit in the wind, step on Superman’s cape, or tangle with Kevin Owens on Twitter. In all reality, Kevin’s mantra should be “Troll, Owens, Troll.”

Related: Goldberg Rips On Kevin Owens, Owens Responds

Goldberg is going for Owens’ Universal Title at Fastlane and while most believe Bill will be walking away with that pretty red belt next month, Kevin’s not going down without a fight in or out of the ring.

It all started rather innocently on Goldberg’s part when he decided to remind everyone how long it would be until Fastlane (we can’t wait either). It didn’t take Kevin too long to come up with a pretty good response in return.

Goldberg really should have quit while he was ahead but he never learns. Goldberg replied: “Been there and done that champ.”

We applaud his attempt at a comeback. While it might be true that Goldberg has taken his stripes on the touring loop, he hasn’t done it in quite some time.

Kevin seemed to recognize that fact as he tweeted back.

Damn, guess Kevin won that exchange. Although, where it really matters is Fastlane.

It is all the rage for professional wrestling personalities to tweet pictures of themselves in the gym. From Finn Balor, Charlotte, Big Show, and Michael Cole professional wrestling names all over post pictures of themselves in the gym for us all to see their dedication and show off their physiques.

Well, Good Ol’ JR has thrown his cowboy hat in the ring as he recently sent out this tweet of himself to show he’s spending some time in the gym to burn off that barbecue.


  1. Hope KO wins clean. I like Goldberg but it’s mostly nostalgia. KO on the other hand is awesome day in and day out. At least I hope he puts up a good fight since Vince is high on Goldberg. We get it. Lesnar lost cuz he wasn’t ready. KO is.

    And Good ol’ JR. Funny how he resembles his good friend Jerry Lawler a bit. Hope he keeps strong and healthy for many years to come.