WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash recently caught up with Scott Fishman of the Miami Herald. During the interview Nash was asked if he would be interested in wrestling again. You can see what he had to say below.

“If asked, I would. Let’s put it this way next time I won’t forget to bring my knee brace Last year, I forgot my knee brace.”

He also had high praise for Triple H and his vision for the future.

“I think a lot of the credit has to go to Paul Levesque. He really understands the business. One of the most poignant things he ever said to me was, ‘It’s not only the fact we have to replace the guys in the ring, but we have to teach the guys with the handhelds and steady cams. I’ve got guys who have been carrying cameras for 30 years now. They aren’t going to be doing this forever.’

“What they’ve done with NXT and Full Sail [University] is basically also focus on the production. People don’t realize how important the cameras are. This is a hands-on experience and proving ground, A to Z, from people in the truck and all the way up. It’s about pushing this product and having it continually grow.”

You can read the full interview at this link.