John Cena On Which Wrestling Legend He Wants To Face Off Against


John Cena recently spoke to FOX 411 to promote the release of his new movie “Trainwreck.” During the interview Cena talked about which wrestling legend he wants to face and more. You can check out some quotes and a video below.

FOX411: You’re starring in two movies. Are you the next Dwayne Johnson?

John Cena: There is only one Dwayne Johnson. What Dwayne has done is absolutely fantastic. He had a vision when he was here at WWE. He promotes like a mad man. We’ll see how I do with John Cena before I can be mentioned in the company of Dwyane Johnson.
FOX411: If you could face-off against any wrestler dead or alive who would it be, and who would win?

Cena: Past: Stone Cold Steve Austin because he was truly inspiration to me. Our audience wouldn’t mind seeing that. In the same breath there are some present stars that I haven’t faced off with. Hopefully, down the line I look forward to facing those new faces.



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