John Cena had an interesting day today at the Daytona 500. He was the honorary pace car driver, he was hit in the face by a ponytail and he also talked a little bit about his status for WrestleMania 32.

Cena participated in a Q & A session with FOX Sports before the race started and he was asked whether or not he would be wrestling a match at the big event. Cena joked around and wouldn’t give a straight answer.

“As far as me participating in WrestleMania 32, the Magic 8-Ball says ‘ask again later,'” Cena said.

It seems like Cena certainly wants to return in time for WrestleMania 32 but he’s not sure if his body is going to cooperate. John Cena has been known to heal faster than most, but he doesn’t want to push himself if he doesn’t feel like he will be able to deliver in the ring.

“It would be personally unfortunate for me to miss WrestleMania. But if I can’t perform, it would be unfortunate for the people watching WrestleMania to see me suffer through something that isn’t worthy of the event.” Cena continued.

John Cena was reportedly set to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32 before an injury took him out of action. There’s a lot of speculation in regards to whether or not Cena will return early to get in the ring with Taker. Cena himself has definitely been fanning the flames by not counting himself out and by posting a photo of The Undertaker on Instagram.

But if John Cena doesn’t make it back in time for WrestleMania 32 he’s going to be ok. He knows he’s got a long way to go when it comes to his career.

“I know there will be a WrestleMania 33 and 34 and 35. And hopefully 100.” Cena added.