Jim Ross On Which Storyline WWE Should Focus On More, Randy Orton’s Feud With Jinder Mahal

universal title

Brock Lesnar is the current Universal Champion, but he’s not currently being featured on TV. However, that hasn’t stopped top stars like Finn Balor and Seth Rollin from talking about how they want a shot at the title.

The Universal Title and the WWE Championship have become hot topics on WWE programming as of late, and WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross noted in his latest blog that he likes the trend of stars being vocal about title shots, and he hopes it continues.

“A good thing that I see in the current WWE Title business is that several talents are being vocal about their desire to be WWE Champion. That is a storyline that should be a fixture more weeks than not on both RAW and SD Live. Why wouldn’t everyone the roster want to be their brand’s top champ?”

Jinder Mahal’s push has a lot of people out there scratching their heads, as he went from a jobber to #1 contender basically overnight.

Mahal will get his chance to take the WWE Title from Randy Orton at Backlash in a few weeks, and Jim Ross praised the build for the upcoming title bout.

“Strong build continues for Jinder Mahal as he prepares to main event against Randy Orton for the WWE Title at Backlash. I am enjoying this build for multiple reasons not the least being that it is a new match with a solid story behind it. There is no reason that this match should not deliver in a big way when these two meet.”

Who will you be rooting for when Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal face off at Backlash with the WWE Title on the line? Sound off in the comments below.


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