Jim Ross Comments On The Raw Announce Team And Daniel Bryan


Jim Ross recently gave his thoughts on the current Raw announce team and Daniel Bryan on his blog. Below is a quote but you can read the entire blog HERE.

On the Raw announce team:

“I have great admiration for the RAW announce team, they are all men that I respect and consider to be friends. Michael Cole does what few men, if any, in the lead role could do in today’s world of sports entertainment. Cole’s responsibility to decimate info and the amount of info is startling. Could JBL be more of an antagonist? John could for my taste but John is a great addition to the broadcast team with his intelligent and topical references. The King is The King….a WWE HOFer. However, when these men are encouraged to talk about matters that are unrelated to any significant to what I’m seeing on the screen it becomes a disconnect for me. If I am watching the TV and my eyes are processing what I am seeing but audibly I am hearing another story then which source of info do I process and retain?”

On whether or not Daniel Bryan should win this Sunday:

“I saw an online poll where 70+% of those voting hope that Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Title Sunday. I’d agree. The underdog can only remain an unsuccessful underdog for so long until the fan base begins to slowly migrate away and to someone who they feel can achieve the success the fans crave.”


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