Jake Roberts Talks About How DDP Saved His Life


Jake “The Snake” Roberts recently spoke with the ABC News affiliate in Baltimore. You can read some highlights below:

Diamond Dallas Page saving his life: “No one grows up and says they want to be an alcoholic or a drug addict. It just happens. The best way to avoid that happening to you is never trying it in the first place. I was in so much pain before getting together with Dallas. I was using coke and drinking just to get through the day. That’s not the case anymore. Dallas saved my life. I owe everything I have right now to him and helping me get back on the right path. It wasn’t rehab Dallas put me through. It was tough love and it sunk in more than any rehab I ever tried.”

Going into the WWE Hall of Fame: “Had I not gotten clean with Dallas’ help, I wouldn’t be going into the Hall of Fame. The WWE doesn’t want to put someone out there and not be able to trust what they will say in front of a worldwide audience. Being clean has given me another chance in life.”


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