Hall Of Famer Says Kenny Omega Winning Impact World Title Does Nothing For Impact

kenny omega

A few months ago AEW and Impact Wrestling started crossing over, and last weekend AEW World Champion Kenny Omega made history when he defeated Rich Swann to win the Impact World Title at the Rebellion pay-per-view.

While the title change was exciting for some, others have criticized the AEW/Impact working relationship noting that it seemingly is not benefitting Impact Wrestling.

Booker T recently addressed the title change on his Hall of Fame podcast, and he noted that while it was a cool moment for AEW, the title change does nothing for Impact.

“I don’t know what Impact is thinking right now. Maybe they’re thinking about the rub. It’s a cool moment for AEW, it’s not a cool moment for Impact wrestling unless I own both companies and I was working the fans at the same time with both of my companies. For Rich Swann to go out and lose the title to Kenny Omega, it does absolutely nothing in my opinion [for Impact].”

Booker T went on to say that if it was his company he would not take the same approach when it came to booking the Impact World Title match.

“Bottom line. If the champion gets beat, which is supposed to be your franchise player, your number one guy and then he goes out and gets beat. I could be wrong, but for me, if it was my company, something like that wouldn’t have gone down. That’s just me.”

Kenny Omega vs Rich Swann Title vs Title Ring Entrances & Introductions! | Rebellion 2021 Highlights

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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