Goldberg Is The New WWE Universal Champion


This writer can’t think of a main event he’s dreaded watching as much as this one. Kevin Owens has been not only the longest reigning Universal Champion but one of the most entertaining champions in recent years and Sunday he dropped his belt to Goldberg.

Owens’ run with the big red belt has been filled with comedy and intensity with a uniqueness only someone with Kevin’s talent could bring to the table. Goldberg taking this title would only mean the Universal belt would be an ornament hung on the already established Brock Lesnar and Goldberg match at WrestleMania 33. Goldberg promised his son that he’d win tonight, so that’s a good enough reason for him to lose and for his son to keep his damn shirt on too.

One could argue the drawing power of Golberg and Brock’s names alone should be enough to bring eyes to their Mania match, but it’s not our toy chest, it’s Vince McMahon’s.

On the same token, Kevin’s dance partner for WrestleMania is all but confirmed as well to be his former best, best friend Chris Jericho. So, regardless of where the main title on Raw goes at least we already know which way it’ll head going into Orlando.

The crowd started chanting Goldberg very loudly, at least they were pumping in the chants with the volume turned up to 11. They found the one kid in the crowd with a “Let’s Go Goldberg” sign and made sure they got him in the shot as Goldberg snorted and sneezed his way from the backstage area, through the sparklers, and to the ring.

Michael Cole reminded us Goldberg has never lost a one-on-one pay-per-view match while not bringing up the Elimination Chamber match which included one of the best sledgehammer shots of all time. They obviously worded it like that because they didn’t want to count the chamber match. Kevin Owens stood on the ramp and looked on at Goldberg with a perplexed look on his face while holding the Universal Championship.

Kevin got right in Bill’s face and raised his title high. The trash talk went from Twitter to “IRL” as both men stood in the ring.

Goldberg stretched his leg on the top turnbuckle because he didn’t want to pull anything then he yelled, “You better kiss that goodbye” while talking about Owen’s pretty red belt. Kevin quickly got out of the ring to a chorus of cheers from the crowd in attendance.

Owens strolled around the outside of the ring as the referee and Goldberg just looked on. Kevin got back on the apron and looked like he was going to get back in, but decided to take another breather outside to let Goldberg’s heart continue to beat quickly (it’s probably all that sparkler smoke).

When Kevin Owens finally got back in the ring he decided to roll back outside to an even bigger pop from the crowd. Kevin finally got in the ring and said “ring the bell.” Then Chris Jericho’s music hit as the bell rang.

Goldberg speared Kevin Owens and then hit the Jackhammer to steal the Universal Championship. Well, at least we can blame it on Y2J, which is ironic considering Jericho’s history with Goldberg.

So, Bill Goldberg is the new Universal Champion.


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