A number of wrestlers have parted ways with WWE over the last few years and Lacey Evans officially left the company when her contract expired in August of 2023.

During a recent interview with Carlo Perruzza, Lacey Evans talked about her departure and noted that WWE wouldn’t let her out of her contract until it officially expired.

“I mean, it was incredible. I love the WWE. It was awesome. I invested so much money in properties and I’m doing great. I appreciate everything that I have gotten, knowledge-wise, relationship-wise. But, from the beginning of my career, I’ve always wanted a family. I’ve always wanted a big family. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, I’ve always wanted to be a wife. And there was nothing that would ever come between that.

Seven years, I was with the WWE and not… And it was coming… It was… I’m 30… I was 33 when I finally got to get out of my… I didn’t get out… They wouldn’t even let me out of my contract, which was fine. You sign a contract, you say… You give ‘em your word. But… So, I had to wait till it ran out. And it ran out in August.”

When asked whether or not she loved wrestling Evans said, “I loved wrestling; don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t my passion. But I loved the hard-hitting action.“

Lacey Evans also indicated that she would be open to talking with any potential companies that would like to bring her in, but right now she’s focused on other things outside of the business.