Former WWE Star Makes Bold Claim About Vince McMahon Allegations Getting Leaked

vince mcmahon

For decades Vince McMahon was the man in charge of WWE and many people assumed that he would continue to run the company for years to come. However, Vince’s reign came to an end after it was revealed that he had paid millions of dollars in hush money payments to suppress allegations of misconduct. Vince McMahon stepped down as Chairman and CEO of WWE and then he eventually retired completely in July.

Dutch Mantell addressed the situation during an episode of Story Time with Dutch Mantell and he indicated that he believes Nick Khan was the one who leaked the information about the Vince McMahon allegations.

“Nick Khan. I think that’s why he was sent there. […] They can’t prove it. I think he was sent there because they were expecting, this is what you use in world politics, a regime change. That’s what he was actually sent in there and they started to cut all this talent and cutting the talent. […] Nick Khan did it. He and his people did it. […] [Who is they?] The board.”

“And you can’t forget family members. You can’t forget Triple H and Stephanie, which I would kind of push off for a while but they knew the story and they heard Stephanie took a leave of absence three weeks or four weeks before all this happened so she could just get away from everything so they couldn’t tie her to nothing. Of course I’m just spitballing now.”

One way or another WWE recently confirmed that the investigation into the Vince McMahon allegations is now complete, and it seems that Vince is done with WWE for good.

H/T Sportskeeda


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