Fan Tries To Enter The Ring During Chris Jericho Segment At AEW Dynamite

chris jericho

Chris Jericho and MJF have been feuding for some time now, and this week on the Road Rager edition of AEW Dynamite the two rivals met in the ring for a contract signing. As Chris Jericho was making his entrance to “Judas” a fan apparently tried to storm the ring before the segment started, and Jericho can be seen taking a swing at the fan in the clip below.

During the contract signing MJF announced that if Jericho wants another match against him then he will have to face four opponents of MJF’s choosing in back to back matches all of which will have different stipulations. If Jericho is able to get through the first four matches he will then earn another match against MJF.

Chris Jericho agreed to the stipulations and signed the contract, then shook MJF’s hand before hitting him with the Judas Effect to end the segment.

Stay tuned for more updates on Jericho’s upcoming matches as they become available.


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