Eric Bischoff Talks Fan Reaction To Roman Reigns, Table For 3 With Jim Cornette


On a recent episode of Eric Bischoff’s podcast, Bischoff On Wrestling the WCW trailblazer talked about a number of different issues. He initially brought up the fact WWE had filmed an upcoming episode of “Table For 3” with Jim Cornette, Michael PS Hayes, and himself. He said he didn’t want to give out any details about the episode, but he later gave fans a hint of what to expect.

What caused him to reveal one of the topics of conversation during his Table For 3 episode was the fans’ reaction to Roman Reigns on the Raw after WrestleMania. Eric admitted he hadn’t actually seen WrestleMania or Raw yet because he had to leave before the big show and had two-days of meetings. He said he did have plans to jump on the WWE Network and watch it though.

“I said I didn’t want to tip my hat on the Dinner For 3 with Cornette and Michael Hayes. I do want to tease it just a little bit though. Michael Hayes asked both Cornette and I if we were the bookers for next year’s WrestleMania, what would our main event be?” And hearing what [happened at WrestleMania and Raw the night after], I can’t wait for our listeners to check out the Table For 3 with Jim Cornette. Because we touch on what we think would be the best main event for WrestleMania next year.”

“I’m not putting myself over here” Bischoff said as he reiterated how he’s always liked Roman Reigns and thinks he’s going to be a huge name in professional wrestling. “I didn’t see it, but I’m so excited having [the fan reaction to Reigns] described to me and how it went down. Mark my words, Roman Reigns is going to be a great heel […] Imagine how well that worked, isn’t it amazing how things work out like that?”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit “Bischoff On Wrestling” with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription.



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