Edge’s Outstanding Reaction To The Shane McMahon Helicopter Fiasco


Shane McMahon’s helicopter had to perform an emergency crash water landing on Wednesday morning but since Shane is safe it’s okay to joke about it. When Edge brought up the topic on E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness he had plenty to say about the incident.

Although his jokes are somewhat similar to previous observations on the topic, Edge was able to provide an insider analysis of the situation. After all, he got to know Shane McMahon pretty well during his days with WWE.

“So when I heard [the news about Shane McMahon’s crash landing] I just assumed that Shane decided he wanted to take another crazy bump” Edge remarked. “And [he] just took the pilot out and was just like ‘here we go’ (makes noises to simulate crash). Although not surprising at all that he was like ‘oh no big deal, I was just a little — it was unnerving.’ He didn’t even want to admit that he was nervous.”

“He didn’t want to say those words! Cause I saw the you know, the news anchor ‘so were you nervous?’ — ‘well you know, I wouldn’t say nervous. It was unnerving.’ I was like: ‘you son of a b-tch! You don’t even wanna admit you were nervous!'”

Christian said it was funny how Shane never gets rattled and wondered if McMahon was ribbing the helicopter pilot and that’s what caused the emergency crash landing.

Edge said if he saw Shane’s helicopter go down while he was paddle boarding he would have swam out to the wreckage. But once Edge made sure Shane was okay he would have offered him a ride and just paddled off without taking him to shore as a rib.

Those guys are just too much sometimes.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription


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