Drew McIntyre Believes He Will Fulfill Vince McMahon’s Prophecy

drew mcintyre

When Drew McIntyre first debuted on the WWE main roster, he was given an incredible introduction by Vince McMahon. Vince said that Drew reminds him of himself, and he labeled Drew as a “future World Champion.”

Unfortunately the endorsement didn’t lead to success for Drew, as he was released from the company a few years later, but now he’s back. McIntyre hasn’t forgotten what Vince McMahon said that day, and he recently told The Mirror that he still believes he will fulfill Vince McMahon’s prophecy.

“I always have, 100%, I’ve never changed my opinion since I said that. He didn’t say the things he said for his health, he has done a lot with this business because of his eye for it. I wasn’t necessarily the guy he was looking for back then in a few different ways, but he certainly saw that raw talent and potential. I’ve been lucky that I’ve got myself through various opportunities and platforms and people believing in me, my wife helping in a lot of different areas, and growing up a lot, I’ve shown I am ready now to be a top guy, to hold that position for the company and show what it is to represent a giant, publicly traded company like WWE. There is so much more than just what you do in the ring and what you do on the microphone. As a kid I didn’t quite comprehend that, but now that’s something 100% I’m ready for. I’ve represented many people as the face of the company, proudly and I do it with joy and I do it with respect and make sure I elevate everywhere I go. I came to NXT to elevate it and I came back to WWE to fulfil the prophecy.”

If you’ve never seen the segment where Vince McMahon calls Drew a “future World Heavyweight Champion” you can check it out below.

Mr. McMahon addresses the WWE Universe


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