Today WWE will be presenting the 2015 Slammy Awards but not all of the winners are going to be announced on Raw. WWE will be announcing winners throughout the day on, the Raw pre-show and during the live broadcast of Raw. You can see how everything breaks down below.

The winners for the following categories will be announced on over the course of the day:

  • WWE Tag Team of the Year
  • Hashtag of the Year
  • Celebrity Moment of the Year
  • “Tell Me You Didn’t Just Say That” Moment of the Year
  • Best John Cena United States Championship Open Challenge Match of the Year

The winners for the following categories will be announced on the Raw pre-show:

  • Rivalry of the Year
  • Double Cross of the Year
  • Surprise Return of the Year
  • Best Original WWE Network Show

The winners for the following categories will be presented during Raw:

  • Superstar of the Year
  • Match of the Year
  • WWE Diva of the Year
  • Breakout Star of the Year
  • LOL Moment of the Year
  • Extreme Moment of the Year
  • “This is Awesome” Moment of the Year
  • The OMG Shocking Moment of the Year
  • The Hero Award presented by Coca-Cola