Dean Ambrose recently spoke to Scott Fishman of Channel Guide Magazine about his upcoming film “12 Rounds 3: Lockdown.” During the interview Ambrose was asked if he wanted to do more acting in the future. You can see what he had to say below.

“I definitely have eliminated any notion that I can’t do this. Right now, I’m in the thick of it with WWE. I’m not going out auditioning for roles. At the same time, if there is another 12 Rounds, and I get to reprise my role, I would jump on it. Once I got my legs under me for a few weeks, now I feel much more prepared. I got one under my belt. I also do think it would be fun to play a different role as a bad guy or evil guy or one with a different personality. I also think comedy wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to me. I spend most of my life goofing off and having fun, so I can definitely see comedy. I would jump at any opportunity I can because I like to live life to the fullest. You only get to live once.”

He also talked a little bit about how his character in the film compares to his character in the ring.

“In the ring, I just let all the chains off. If I have a microphone in my face, I’m just going to let my mouth run with whatever I feel or comes out. Like walking to the ring and having a bad day, I’m going to be out there scowling in a bad mood. Whatever legitimate emotions, I’m going to portray it. Whatever comes to mind or whatever ridiculous thing pops in my head, I will do. Shaw is a lot more calculating. He has much more of a poker face than Dean Ambrose. The bad guys don’t quite know him because he has this poker face about him. He has to be in dangerous situations and has this evidence that if other people know he has, they will kill him. He is a detective, so he has this edge to him. A lot of his character is internalized, which was a challenge because in pro wrestling it’s very expressive. There are a lot of pieces to this guy that I really wanted to become him.”