curtis axel

This week Monday Night Raw saw Lavar, Lonzo and LaMelo Ball appear on Miz TV, the segment was regarded as embarrassing by many of the WWE Universe on social media and it seems that Curtis Axel agrees with these comments. The former Intercontinental Champion took to Twitter after the show to voice his opinion about the segment.

He later appeared on Minneapolis’ 93X Half-Assed Morning Show where he talked about the segment that involved the man he is now working closely with on WWE TV.

He said: “They don’t need to be on TV. Get them off. It was embarrassing. Looking at that from my perspective, it was funny backstage looking at it, but that’s not something that…you know, this is my opinion. The kids watch this show. It’s a kid’s program, we took it down to PG-13 and made everything kid-friendly, right? And for someone to come on there and grab the microphone and go off and do something outlandish like this and you were told…I guarantee they were told not to do it—it’s embarrassing.”

Even though Curtis Axel has only recently returned to WWE TV and he is a heel as part of Miz’s Entourage group, it doesn’t seem as though his comments are part of this and he could well face some backlash from WWE officials for talking about the way they should do their job.

Axel does make a valid point, it is unknown as to why the Ball family were actually there other than for a cheap pop which then led to a segment that WWE has already had to officially apologize for.