CM Punk Continues To Troll Fans About Going “All In” With The Bullet Club

cm punk

CM Punk really like sot get a rise out of people. This is one of the reasons why his character was so hard to beat while on WWE television and his smart alec ways haven’t dwindled a bit since leaving Vince McMahon and Company.

Now it looks like Punk is focusing on his UFC career and being the best husband he can be to AJ Lee. But there will always be fans of the Second City Savior who would love to see him make an in-ring return.

The Elite is looking to fill a 10,000 seat arena on September 1st. Although a location hasn’t been set in stone just yet, Chicago is said to still be in the running. The Young Bucks and CM Punk have recently thrown some back and forth communication at each other seemingly teasing Punk’s involvement but of course, nothing has been made official just yet.

To add fuel to the fire, CM Punk recently sent out a pretty ominous tweet making it seem like he was mentioning The Young Bucks’ request for him to join them All In. He let this tweet set for thirty minutes until he unveiled the punchline which turned out to just be a show of support for his Chicago Cubs… for now.

But as it turns out this might have been more of a play on words as Punk’s favorite baseball team the Chicago Cubs also apparently have a similar slogan this season to the Bullet Club’s bold endeavor of a 10,000 seat arena. The Cubs’ new slogan is “Everybody In” so Punk probably couldn’t resist himself.

So it looks like that CM Punk is All In, it’s just a matter of what he’s in on that is the current question. As of right now, it looks like he would be better off readying himself for another UFC fight if he ever gets one confirmed. After all, he would like to be ready by UFC 225 in Chicago on June 9th.



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