Christian Explains Why He Never Gave A Retirement Speech


Business has picked up over the last few weeks in the world of professional wrestling, and now a new player has emerged. AEW is looking to make an impact, and the company will be trying to avoid the same mistakes that other promotions have made in the past, such as TNA.

Christian is a man who knows all about TNA’s history, as he made the jump from WWE to TNA, and quickly become the company’s top star. He stayed with TNA for several years, but he recently told TV Insider that the company was too focused on what WWE was doing.

“I think that they need to focus on themselves. I think the knock TNA had is they seemed to worry too much about what WWE was doing instead of focusing on their own,” he said. “That would be the way to go, in my opinion. As far as new signing Chris Jericho goes, he is obviously one of the biggest names in the history of the industry. So that is a major feather in their cap right off the bat that they are legit and going to try to make it work. Otherwise, Chris is a professional. He wouldn’t have attached himself to it if he didn’t think AEW had a bright future.”

Christian hasn’t wrestled in a while, but he never received an official send off from WWE. According to the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he’s fine with the way his career ended.

“For me, I’ve never been the guy to go out there and say, ‘That’s it. I’m done,’ Honestly, I think what happened is when I got hurt, nobody knew this was going to be the end. It was a bit of a process. It was four or five months down the line when we realized I wasn’t coming back from it. So, it’s kind of hard to go back after and say, ‘Remember five months ago when I was off TV? Well, guess what?’ It got to a certain point when it was too hard to go back and do anything. I’m completely fine with my career. I feel like I accomplished everything I ever set out to accomplish. On to the next chapter.”

Do you think WWE should have made a bigger deal of Christian’s retirement? Sound off in the comments below.


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