
5 WWE Gimmick Matches Every Fan Wishes They Could Forget

WWE has come up with some awesome gimmick matches over the years, but there's also been a good amount of stinkers. Coming up with...

Will The Club Be The Deciding Factor At Extreme Rules?

Ever since Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson made their explosive debut in WWE by brutally attacking The Usos on Monday night Raw, WWE has...

11 Gruesome German Suplex GIFS

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kelly klein

Exclusive: ROH’s Kelly Klein Talks Women Of Honor And Championship Tournament

The women of the professional wrestling world have been gaining serious momentum. Besides tearing it up in the ring and putting on classic matches,...

Epic Moments In Wrestling History: Chris Jericho Debuts In WWE

Today marks 15 years since Chris Jericho made his debut in WWE. It was on this day that the countdown clock ended then a...

Jim Cornette Opens Up About Ahmed Johnson’s Wasted Potential

If you remember Ahmed Johnson, you aren't the only one. One person who remembers Johnson is Jim Cornette and he doesn't have very fond...

Video: Pro Wrestling Botches And Fails Volume 3

Whether it's New Jack using a concrete floor to break his fall, Tajiri getting stuck in the ring ropes, Brock Lesnar dropping The Big...

5 Scary WWE Superstars

WWE has had some scary gimmicks over the years. There are quite a few wrestlers that might haunt your dreams. Let's take a look at some...

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