Bruce Prichard On Almost Losing The Million Dollar Belt


Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard recently covered all things Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase on their MLW Radio Network show. If you’d like to read our entire recap, please click here. During the show, Prichard told a story he had been teasing for weeks about Bruce and Ted’s bogus journey when they almost lost the Million Dollar Belt. Everybody might have a price, but this story is priceless

Brice Prichard said he stopped in Boston’s Chinatown with Ted DiBiase to wet their whistles and get a bite to eat late at night after a show. When the two returned to their vehicle after a few rounds of alcoholic beverages, they discovered the windows of their Bronco were busted out and all of their belongings were missing except for one briefcase Bruce kept paperwork in. In addition to this awful discovery, one item that was missing happened to be a gold Halliburton briefcase which held the Million Dollar Belt.

Bruce says about that time a man walked up to them on the sidewalk and said, “Million Dollar Man, let’s make a deal.” Bruce and Ted were furious at the man thinking he had broken into their car. But as soon as the stranger saw the Bronco with broken out windows he said, “Oh my god, I didn’t do that! I just wanted an autograph!” and the man ran away.

The two wrestling legends called the police to make a report about the break-in and Bruce was tasked with calling Vince McMahon at 3:30AM to relay the news from a nearby payphone.

Understandably annoyed Vince asked Bruce, “What the hell do you want me to do about it?” he then ordered Prichard to call the news media and “make some g–damn noise!”

When they got to their hotel, Bruce Prichard and Ted DiBiase scrambled to figure out what happened and where the belt might be. Before the media was alerted they called some fellow wrestlers and found out later in the morning Virgil had the belt in his possession. Virgil would sometimes travel with the Million Dollar Belt, and neither man remembered they didn’t have it with them at the time of the break-in.

This meant the Chairman Of The Board was called for no reason during the early morning hours. Bruce Prichard told Ted he was going to call Vince the second time to make him aware the belt had been in a company employee’s possession the entire time.

Bruce Prichard said it was a weird night in Boston’s Chinatown.

You can listen to the entire podcast here.



  1. Why doesn’t anyone comment on these articles? This site has the potential to be a great host to the IWC but nobody ever speaks.


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