Why Brock Lesnar Won’t Be Appearing At WWE Fastlane


On the Road to Wrestlemania 33, Brock Lesnar is scheduled to appear during every episode of Raw with only one exception. He won’t be appearing on the February 13th edition because he cannot compete in Nevada. However, WWE will also keep him off the Fastlane pay-per-view which is set to take place from Milwaukee, WI on March 5th.

Related: Brock Lesnar Not Scheduled For Fastlane

It seems odd for WWE officials to have Brock Lesnar scheduled for almost every episode of Raw through Wrestlemania 33, yet keep him off a big PPV. The reason is that WWE wants to keep the focus of FastLane on Goldberg and they don’t want the fans thinking about Lesnar.

Apparently, Goldberg will be wrestling a match during the main event of the PPV, but Brock Lesnar won’t be involved. It’s unclear where WWE plans to leave the Goldberg vs. Lesnar feud after the Royal Rumble, but there may be a hiatus before their Wrestlemania 33 match.

Brock Lesnar isn’t expected to do much more than what he did during this week’s episode of Raw, although it’s rumored that he may wrestle some matches on Raw in the future. It just seems odd to want the fans to ignore the Goldberg/Lesnar conflict while featuring them on WWE television so often.



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