braun strowman

This week’s episode of Monday Night Raw wasn’t the best episode in recent memory, nor was it the worst. The show did however provide fans with a big moment at the end of the broadcast when Braun Strowman hit Big Show with a superplex which caused the ring to collapse underneath the two giants.

Related: Jim Ross On Raw’s Exploding Ring, Braun Strowman’s Push, And The Passing Of Rosey

This isn’t the first time WWE pulled off a stunt like this, as they did the same thing during a Big Show/Brock Lesnar match back in 2003, then during a Big Show/Mark Henry match in 2011. Still, what happened on this week’s episode of Raw is a moment that many people will never forget, and that includes Braun Strowman himself.

Strowman took to his personal Instagram account earlier today to thank the Big Show and tell him that he will remember the night for the rest of his life.

Although it’s always cool to see the ring fall apart, the match that was taking place before the ring collapsed was just as exciting. Big Show and Braun Strowman seem to have great chemistry for two big men, and WWE released a video showing slow motion footage of the match from this week’s episode of Raw which can be viewed below.