Backstage News On Plans For WWE’s Next Tournament


For the past two years fans have been able to enjoy exclusive tournaments on the WWE Network. The company kicked things off with the Cruiserweight Classic in 2016, and later followed up with the United Kingdom Championship Tournament and the Mae Young Classic.

Both tournaments received a lot of praise within the wrestling community, and now it looks like fans can look forward to watching another tournament this summer.

It’s now being reported that WWE will be hosting a Latin American tournament this summer which will feature wrestlers from Peru, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and other locations as well.

Current plans call for the tournament to be held in Chile in August, but unlike the Cruiserweight Classic and tournament for the UK Title, no champion will be crowned this time.

It’s also not guaranteed that the winner will be offered a contract with NXT, so at this time the prize for winning the tournament is unknown.

William Regal will be in charge of producing the tournament.

It’s been rumored for a while that WWE officials were considering holding a tournament to crown an Asian champion or Latin American champion, but it looks like the company will be moving forward with the idea without introducing a new belt.



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