For months now fans have been talking about CM Punk potentially returning to WWE and he finally returned at Survivor Series on Saturday night. While Punk ultimately ended up with WWE it sounds like he also had another option on the table.

PWInsider is reporting that conversations between CM Punk and WWE started less than a week ago. Prior to that Impact Wrestling had made CM Punk a major offer which he was said to have been mulling over. Impact sources noted that Punk was amazings when it came to his dealings with top Impact executives.

Impact Wrestling sources reportedly felt they were very close to scoring CM Punk at one point. The hope was that he would be at Bound For Glory for the announcement of Total Nonstop Action’s return, but obviously that didn’t happen.

The conversations between the two sides continued after that. While there was hope that CM Punk would come in people in Impact realized the reality of the situation regarding how much money Punk could make in WWE, and they were happy for him. Several Impact talents were appreciative of the time CM Punk spent with them when he visited the TV tapings in Chicago.

It’s also being reported that there were no plans at any point for CM Punk to return to AEW nor was he scheduled to be The Devil character that is currently being used in the MJF storyline.

Stay tuned for more updates on CM Punk’s status as they become available.