Alexa Bliss Falls Off Chair, Nikki Bella Misses John Cena Already


WWE Superstars often post on social media in order to hype an upcoming show and it looks like Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax were doing just that. Of course, not everything goes according to plan, which is why this usually normal event found its way into our radar.

Alexa Bliss is short and Nia Jax is pretty tall, these are established points. But when Alexa Bliss needs to even up those odds, sometimes she needs to stand on a chair. The thing about standing on chairs is that you’re not really supposed to and it’s easy to fall off (or at least that’s what the teachers always said in school). It turns out the teachers were right about this one.

While Nia and Alexa were trying to hype their show, Bliss lost her balance and fell off the chair she was standing on. It’s a good thing she had someone like Nia Jax to grab before she hit the floor.

It was a pretty hilarious bit of business and while it was accidental, it really shows how much fun Jax and Bliss have judging by the fact they both uploaded this little treasure to their Instagram feeds.

When you have someone like John Cena in your life then you need to appreciate every moment you have with him before he has to take off and join some kind of media blitz or other production. After a short time together, Cena is off promoting a new movie and Nikki Bella misses him already.

She recently posted a picture of the two while hyping John Cena’s new Ferdinand film. She said it’s pretty great but that won’t bring Big Match John back to her any faster. It also won’t bring Cena back to the ring any quicker either as the services of Super Cena aren’t expected in a WWE ring until the Madison Square Garden show the day after Christmas.


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