For months now a mysterious devil figure has been targeting MJF and Samoa Joe vowed to look out for MJF as Joe declared that the current AEW World Champion was his property. However, that all changed on Wednesday night when MJF was forced to defend the ROH Tag Team Titles by himself against the devil’s masked henchmen.

Ahead of the match it seemed as if Samoa Joe had been taken out of action due to an attack, but after MJF lost the ROH Tag Team Titles to the devil’s masked men Samoa Joe turned on MJF and revealed that he’s been working with the devil the whole time.

On Saturday night MJF defended his AEW World Championship against Samoa Joe in the main event at Worlds End and there was a lot of anticipation heading into the match as all signs pointed to a big reveal regarding the devil’s identity.

Samoa Joe entered first then MJF entered to a massive reaction from the fans. As MJF sat in the corner with his belt the fans chanted “He’s our scumbag!” MJF then pointed to the ramp and Adam Cole’s music hit. Cole then made his way down to the ringside area on crutches. Adam Cole got up on the apron as Justin Roberts made the announcements.

Throughout the match MJF sold that his left shoulder was hurting. Adam Cole cheered MJF on from ringside. Samoa Joe got MJF outside the ropes on the apron and he managed to hit MJF with the Musclebuster on the edge of the ring. Joe rolled MJF back into the ring for a two count.

MJF fought back and got the upper hand and eventually hit the heatseeker piledriver, but it wasn’t enough as he only scored a two count. Samoa Joe tried to lock in a head lock then MJF pushed him into the corner while inadvertently knocking him into the referee. Joe got up on the ropes then MJF hit him with a low blow. MJF put Samoa Joe on his shoulders, walked a few steps, and hit Joe with a move similar to the F5. MJF pinned Samoa Joe, but the ref was slow to get up, so Joe kicked out at two.

After pausing for a second MJF called for the Dynamite Diamond Ring and Adam Cole handed it to him. Samoa Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch as MJF struggled to get out. The ref picked up MJF’s hand twice and it fell. The ref picked up MJF’s arm for a third time and it fell again, so he called for the bell and Samoa Joe was crowned the new AEW World Champion.

Adam Cole looked on in shock as Samoa Joe left with his belt. Cole got in the ring and checked on MJF. They stood up as four masked men approached the ring. MJF tried to fight them off and Adam Cole also tried to fight them off with his crutches, but they were held down. One of the masked men grabbed a chair and Adam Cole asked the masked man to hit him. The masked man looked like he was getting ready to hit Cole as the lights went out.

When the lights came back on Adam Cole was sitting in the chair with the masked men standing behind him. The masked men were then revealed to be Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Roderick Strong and Wardlow.

Adam Cole then pulled out the devil mask as the devil’s group beat down MJF to end the show.