WWE has released a number of talents and employees so far this year, and back in May controversial NXT referee Drake Wuertz was let go. Drake Wuertz is known to be outspoken when it comes to his political beliefs, and he recently shared a text message about vaccinations that he received from John Laurinaitis while he was still working for the company in an Instagram story. The text message reads as follows:

“Effective Immediately, at all upcoming TVs, if you have been fully vaccinated you no longer are required to test or wear a mask. However if you are fully vaccinated, make sure medical has proof of your vaccination. If you are not fully vaccinated, the standard protocol is still in place. You will have to test, fill out paperwork, have your temperature checked and wear a mask. Thank you, John Laurinaitis”

Drake Wuertz also released a statement where he accused WWE of “discriminating against employees that refuse to participate in an experimental medical procedure” for asking for proof of vaccination, and noted that he felt WWE’s COVID-19 policies violated “basic human rights.” Wuertz went on to say that he lost his six-figure job for taking a stand. His full statement can be seen below.

“Any company that is discriminating against employees that refuse to participate in an experimental medical procedure by forcing them to show proof of vaccination in order to come to work in a normal capacity is violating basic human rights. I questioned, pushed back, and then defied this tyrannical overreach of control. That didn’t fit their narrative and I was punished. Faith is taking a stand and knowing that God has you covered. I lost my six-figure job for taking a stand on multiple fronts and I don’t regret it one bit. We all come to a point where we either follow the Lord or follow the world. That decision was easy for me. I’d rather flip burgers for the glory of God then sell my soul being part of a cabal that’s pushing a deceptive lie that you must mask up or take the jab in order to participate in normal everyday life. A company I thought was Patriotic has now bowed to the communist mob agenda. #ReligiousFreedom #Uncanceled #RiseUp #DefyTyrants #medicalfreedom #bestrongandcourageous #GlorytoGod”

Following his WWE release Drake Wuertz has been making appearances related to politics, and he is also resuming his career as an in-ring competitor.