eli drake

Eli Drake previously had a run with NXT as Shaun Ricker, but his run came to an end when he was released in 2014.

He then went on to find success in Impact Wrestling where he became the World Champion, and he started getting a lot of positive attention for his promo skills.

Eli Drake recently spoke to WhatCulture about the path of his wrestling career so far, and he revealed that WWE made him three different offers to return to the company.

“They made an offer to me in 2016, 2017, and 2018. In 2016, I didn’t take it because Impact was giving me a big raise. I’d never seen money like they were giving me, and the money that WWE were offering me was very low. It was not great, so I was like, ‘Well, okay, I’ll take a year at this [Impact] money.’ I checked them out a year later, and it was the same offer and I had a raise with Impact again.”

“Detailing how he was so close to signing with WWE in 2018, Eli continued on, “So 2018, they came to me one more time, exact same offer. In my head, I thought, ‘You know what, screw it. I’ll take the cut, I’ll take the bet on myself that it’s going to quickly go up.’ Just personal things happened in my life that caused me to stay where I was and not move across the country. I ended up staying here. I wasn’t hurting for money, I was making good money in Impact, so if I stayed for another year it wasn’t a big deal. But professionally, it was just a bad idea.”

Eli Drake currently wrestles in NWA, and he also revealed that he recently signed a contract that will see him work with the company for another year.

Do you think Drake would be a good fit for WWE? Sound off in the comments below.