roman reigns

Roman Reigns has been one of WWE’s top stars for years now, but it’s no big secret that fans haven’t always been receptive in regards to the push he’s received.

The Big Dog has gotten his fair share of boos from WWE fans, and Seth Rollins has been getting a similar reaction as of late.

Roman talked about the reaction Seth has been receiving on the After The Bell podcast, and he shared his perspective on where Seth is at.

“We’ve talked very briefly but just the way with our travel, it’s really separated us. We’re both out to conquer but we have to hold it down for our respective sides. With Seth, he knows what to do. He knows what to do in the ring and how to carry himself. It’s just a matter of riding it out.”

“This is a situation where sometimes it’s, ‘What have you done for me lately?’ You just have to go out the next night and kill it and continue to kill it. That’s all that matters – just bust your ass and work hard. The cream always rises to the top and that’s something Cena told me a long time ago. Don’t go out there and stink it up. Have a good match and at the end of the day our fans are passionate but they have respect for what we do. Seth is a pro wrestling guy and he’s never going to go anywhere. He’s always had the dream of WWE and a little bit of a roller coaster isn’t gonna scare him away.”

Do you think Seth can win the fans over again? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.