7 Tag Teams That Deserve One More Good Run


It seems that tag team wrestling is a dying art in today’s professional wrestling landscape
but it wasn’t always that way.

There once was a time where tag team wrestling was just as entertaining if not more entertaining than anything else on the show. Many classic teams were born and some of them went on to accomplish greatness.

There are quite a few tag teams out there that could breathe new life into tag team wrestling today and below we’re going to take a look at 7 of the best choices.


7. John Morrison and The Miz


The team of John Morrison and The Miz is a classic example of two guys bringing out the best in each other. Although at first they might have seemed like an unlikely pair it didn’t take long to realize that they were perfect together. Miz and Morrison did the impossible when they managed to take an extremely dull show in that of WWECW and actually make it worth watching. Where The Miz and Morrison really managed to shine was on their show “The Dirt Sheet” which became popular quite fast. Thanks to that show both were able to prove to WWE officials and fans alike that they were pretty entertaining when you just let them be themselves.

As far as this team goes there truly is no better time than the present to reunite Miz and Morrison. Obviously John Morrison isn’t with the company at this point but he has expressed interest in returning and WWE has said the door is always open. The two are much bigger stars than they were during their first run and The Miz desperately needs something to do. Like I said, there’s no better time than the present.


6. Team Hell No


Is it wrong to miss Team Hell No already even though they parted ways just a few months ago? Good, I didn’t think so. Team Hell No managed to do something that no other team has done in years and that’s make the tag team division interesting again. Kane has always been great at bringing out the best in his tag team partners but his partnership with Daniel Bryan was on a whole other level. Together they had a historic championship reign that and were easily the most memorable team in the last few years.

This one isn’t likely to happen anytime soon and to be honest that’s a good thing. This is a pairing we want to see again, just not right now. A few years down the road a Team Hell No reunion when we least expect it will be pure gold.


5. The Brothers of Destruction


Daniel Bryan may have been Kane’s most entertaining partner but there’s no denying that the union of The Undertaker and Kane is just perfect. Never before has there been a tag team that comes across as dominant as this one. Both The Undertaker and Kane are two of the most powerful forces in WWE history and when you put them together they’re just plain unstoppable.

Let’s face it, The Undertaker doesn’t have much longer to go in his career and we’re lucky that we get one match a year out of him at Wrestlemania. It’s hard to say if this is even possible because no one seems to know one way or the other how healthy The Undertaker truly is but if he does decide to make one last full time run before he retires it would be great to see him pair up with Kane for a while.


4. The APA


The APA is a union that did wonders for the careers of JBL and Farooq (or Ron Simmons whichever you prefer). As The Acolytes this team was tough and intimidating but there was nothing about them that truly demanded your attention. When Bradshaw and Farooq decided to let loose and become The Acolyte Protection Agency they became one of the most memorable teams of all time. From drinking beer, to gambling, to opening up a can of whoop ass on whoever they wanted to the APA became one of the most entertaining teams in WWE at the time and their legacy lives on.

JBL has obviously retired from wrestling but we all know how permanent wrestling retirements are. Both Farooq and Bradshaw are getting up there in age but I have no doubt that the WWE could get one more run out of them and I also have no doubt that it would be entertaining as all hell.


3. The New Age Outlaws


The New Age Outlaws were one of the best teams during the Attitude Era which is saying quite a bit because that was a golden age for tag team wrestling. Together Billy Gunn and Road Dogg made tag team wrestling cool and gave you the perfect team to root for and they also provided the perfect catchphrase to sing along to. Billy Gunn has been a part of a few tag teams that made a big impact on WWE history but none more than The New Age Outlaws.

It’s hard not to feel like The New Age Outlaws weren’t really given a proper send off given that they were assaulted by Brock Lesnar earlier in the year. Many fans (myself included) were beyond excited to see them get a match on Raw and then immediately dissapointed to find out that it was only a plot device for the Triple H/Brock Lesnar feud.

If that segment told us anything it’s that both Billy Gunn and Road Dogg are in great shape and can still go. WWE seems to be relying on past stars now more than ever but they don’t seem to be using established stars in the tag team division. Bringing The New Age Outlaws back for a few months would be a great way for younger teams to get in the ring with experienced veterans and I’m willing to bet it would sell a lot of t-shirts.


2. The Dudley Boyz


There’s a reason why The Dudley Boyz are the most decorated tag team in history and that’s because they are easily one of the best teams to ever step foot in the ring. Buh Buh Ray (I prefer to call him Bully) and Devon have won the tag team titles 23 different times across several different organizations and each time was very well deserved. Out of all the teams on this list this team defined tag team wrestling like no other team before it.

It has been great seeing this team have so much success over the years but it’s hard not to think about how successful they could be as a team right now. Both Devon and Bully Ray are in tremendous shape right now and it’s not even debatable that their in the best shape of their careers. It’s amazing to look at pictures of them from 10 years ago then put them next to pictures of them today and see the difference. You can’t even compare the old Dudley Boyz to the new Dudley Boyz as far as physique and wrestling ability goes.

Even though both are in great shape it’s been a while since they’ve had a legitimate run as a tag team. It would be great to see these two wind up back in WWE at some point because much like The New Age Outlaws they could lend some much needed credibility to the tag team division and I have no doubt they would surprise a lot of people in the process.


1. The Hardy Boys


The Hardy Boys are one team that wrestling fans never seem to get tired of. Matt and Jeff have been an on again, off again team for their entire careers and it was this team that put both of their careers on the map in the first place. Although they’ve both had good careers as singles wrestlers there’s just something about the chemistry these brothers share that makes people want to see them team up again and again.

Jeff is currently a big player in TNA and Matt has been very busy working the independent scene but there’s no doubt that when it comes to The Hardy Boys, WWE is their home. Jeff has been putting on some of the best matches of his career since getting clean a few years ago, it seems like he’s more focused than ever and it would be great to see him pair up with Matt one more time on the big stage.

The Hardy Boys are certainly no strangers to controversy but as far as tag team reunions go I would say this one is the most likely to happen.



  1. IMO only two teams on your list deserve one more great Run:Miz&Morrison and the Brothers of Destruction. the other teams great as some of them were belong to that certian time. Team 3D/Dudleys
    OVERRATED people forget that most of their tag title reigns(17 + i believe)were in ECW and half those teams were even that good.the last TNA Run was lame they should’ve retired the year before.NAO?Maybe my favorite team ever.But at the DX Reunion they looked OLD!!! and looked like they lost half a step,they wouldn’t be able to compete with the level of Prime Time players or Team hell no.Hardys? they worked hard no doubt about that..But they were of a certain Gimmick and a certain time remember Fat Hardy’s quick TNA Run? Ugh APA? uh NO…to me it’s like asking Arn anderson and tully blanchard to come back or the Midnight Rockers(i call them the midnight rockers)to come back at their advanced age…IMO some teams should stay buried cause if they come back they could kill their legacy but that’s just ME


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