The 6 Most Common Types Of Wrestling Marks You’ll See On The Internet


Wrestling fans are a passionate group on individuals there’s no denying that. You won’t find another fanbase from any other type of sport willing to spend hours on the internet arguing with each other about their opinions. We’re just as guilty of doing that as well and in our travels we’ve noticed that there are several types of marks that commonly reappear in conversations. Below you will find the 6 most common types of wrestling marks you will encounter on the internet.


#6 – The I’ve Been Watching Wrestling Longer Than You Mark


If you talk about wrestling on the internet in any way shape or form then you’ve surely run into this type of mark by now. Wrestling fans love to feel like they know more about wrestling than the other wrestling fans they’re interacting with and this type of mark is the epitome of that mentality.

Any fan who has just recently started watching wrestling in the past 5 or 6 years is bound to get it the worst from this type of mark. This type of fan will insist that you don’t even have a right to watch wrestling and that your credibility as a wrestling fan is in serious jeopardy because you haven’t seen every episode of WCW Saturday Night from the year 1992. This wrestling fan has done so much more than just watch a video of Bruno Samartino defeating Buddy Rogers for the WWE Championship (which they will adamantly point out was the WWWF Championship at the time). They will insist that either they or a member of their family was there in the front row and they have a drop of Bruno’s sweat in a mason jar on the family mantle to prove it.

This type of wrestling mark is pretty easy to find. They are often the ones that join a conversation about wrestling by using obscure off topic references to try and make you feel inferior about your wrestling fandom due to the fact that you have no idea what they’re talking about. Don’t worry, no one knows what they’re talking about and even the people who do think this type of mark is a jackass.


#5 – The I Hate Everything Mark


Truth be told we’re not even sure if this type of mark even watches wrestling. It doesn’t matter if you try to strike up a conversation about WWE, ROH, TNA, NJPW or any other type of wrestling because this type of mark hates EVERYTHING.

This type of mark will never be pleased and will always find something to complain about. Just in case you didn’t know how bad your favorite wrestler or favorite wrestling company sucks this type of mark will be sure to tell you every single reason why.

This type of mark is extremely easy to identify. Just look for the guy or girl with an opinion that they’ve deemed controversial by hating on everything in an attempt to be edgy.



#4 – The TNA Mark


TNA is without a doubt the most commonly criticized professional wrestling organization in the modern era of professional wrestling. Every single day millions of people flock to the internet to rip on TNA and a few courageous, brave souls who feel they are upholding the honor of the wrestling industry arm themselves with a keyboard to defend it.

This type of mark usually won’t have any legitimate reasons as to why they think TNA is superior. Often times their defense of TNA quickly just degrades into them bashing WWE. They try to convince you TNA is better by telling you why WWE sucks, but never really once mention any reason as to why they think TNA is better, other than the fact that they think WWE sucks. This type of mark hated guys like Mike Knox, Bobby Lashley, Ezekiel Jackson, Gene Snitsky and other WWE castaways while they were in WWE, but now they will go to great lengths to defend TNA for signing these wrestlers by telling you they have the potential to be the next Steve Austin.

This type of mark is really easy to pick out. Just make your way to any post bashing TNA and these courageous defenders of the faith will stick out like a sore thumb. They’re the ones insisting that they’re the “real wrestling fans” for defending TNA. Anyone who doesn’t defend TNA is just a WWE mark. It’s true because they said it’s true.



#3 – The WWE Mark


You can criticize any other wrestling company on the planet but if you dare say anything negative about their precious sports entertainment, the WWE mark will be calling for your head. Make a negative comment about WWE and this type of mark will flock to you like white on rice within a matter of seconds.

The funniest thing about the WWE mark is that they won’t always disagree with your criticism of WWE, but they just defend any questionable moves the company makes by pointing out that they still have the highest ratings and attendance out of any other wrestling company out there. It’s impossible to have a logical conversation with this type of mark because anytime you do they quickly just respond with comments such as:

“Oh you didn’t like that segment on Raw last night? Maybe you should just stop watching!”

“WWE is the best, it roooooolz, you’re stupid.”

“No other company even comes close to drawing the amount of people WWE draws so why don’t you just shut up.”

“It doesn’t matter what WWE does, they’re still making money, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”

You can easily identify this type of mark when you come across any variation of the four comments above.



#2 – The Pro John Cena Mark


Most wrestling fans on the planet even if they like John Cena will agree it’s a little bit ridiculous that he’s held 14 World Championships in a little less than a decade. The John Cena mark is however the exception to this rule. They don’t care how many times John Cena has held a WWE World Heavyweight Championship because they want to watch him win it again and again until their eyes bleed.

Even if you comment on how you don’t really mind Cena you just don’t like how he’s booked all the time, they will burn you at the stake. As soon as you criticize John Cena they will bring up the fact that he’s such a good guy and that you absolutely have to respect him because of all the wishes he’s granted for the Make a Wish foundation. At the moment the Make a Wish foundation is brought up the John Cena mark knows they’ve found their equivalent of checkmate. You can’t respond with something negative because you don’t want to come off like some person who hates little kids, do you? We didn’t think so.

This type of mark isn’t hard to find at all. As a matter of fact you’re probably nodding your head in agreement with everything we’ve just mentioned here because you’ve come across this mark one too many times. Consider yourself lucky that they aren’t the ones running the show, because if they were John Cena would be champ for the next 50 years and at no point would they ever see a problem with that.



#1 – The Anti John Cena Mark


The only mark more prevalent on the internet than the pro John Cena mark is the anti John Cena mark. This type of mark will insist that despite his storied career so far, John Cena holds absolutely no value to the wrestling industry whatsoever. It doesn’t matter what John Cena does or how great of a match he had at the pay-per-view, because he sucks.

John Cena could do a 450 Splash which somehow converts into a Shooting Star Press from the rafters to his opponent below through the announce table and this type of mark would still say it was lame. Although you don’t always necessarily disagree with this mark, it’s tough to have a conversation with them because they just don’t want to talk about anything else. Conversations with them can only consist of negative comments bashing John Cena and absolutely nothing else.

How do you spot this type of mark? It’s easy. Just go to any wrestling conversation anywhere on the internet. It doesn’t matter what the subject matter of the conversation is, they will be there bashing John Cena.



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