sami zayn

Sami Zayn usually puts forth quite a pleasant and cheerful demeanor, but it is totally possible to push his buttons.

We’ve seen him lose his cool when he screamed all those profanities before he captured the NXT Championship against Adrian Neville in 2014 at the NXT Takeover: R Evolution special, he’s gone mental against Kevin Owens countless times, and more recently he blew his top while facing Braun Strowman. But, he’s always had such a good relationship with the fans… well, most fans.

Sami Zayn recently unloaded on someone on Twitter, and he had good reason to.

A certain Twitter user sent a tweet to him and Zayn, real name Rami Sebei replied in a way nobody expected him to. The originating offender deleted his message, but that didn’t stop the former El Generico from stomping a verbal mudhole in him and walking it dry.

Since the offending party decided to delete his tweet to save face, when Zayn carried on his argument he posted a screenshot of the initial Twitter insult that got the whole thing going in the first place. It really gives us a little bit more insight on exactly why Sami was so outraged.

This guy is lucky that it’s 2017 because thirty years ago a professional wrestler would probably hunt him down and really hurt him because of comments like this.

It’s actually rather generous of Zayn not to point out the fact that he misspelled “refrain” as well.

Dave Meltzer, from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter decided to make a quip about some of the wrestling-related wording in Sami’s initial message to add some levity.

We’re not saying that Sami was in the wrong, but we’re also not condoning this type of behavior from such a high-profile superstar such as himself. Mainly because we care about him and don’t want him to get any unnecessary heat from the office.

True, Zayn might have been totally justified but sometimes things can snowball without much more provocation than this. If anything, we hope that people learn that there are consequences for their ignorant words, and WWE superstars are people too with a supreme ability to stand up for themselves.

Just remember that we love you, Sami! Give that hater a good Helluva Kick and move on, sir.


  1. Actually Sami’s response was bigotry. I forgot that the wwe guys are allowed to talk to people however they want and its ok.

  2. Well Sami blocked me for defending Syria’s president Bashar Al-Assad in one his tweets, it wasn’t even directed to him it was to some dude treating Assad like he was Hitler; but I respect the hell outa Sami for defending his religion

  3. So Sami is part of some death cult protected by the PC mafia and nobody is allowed to call him on it? Whatever. Fuck Sami Zayn and his stupid beard.