Lita On Her Reaction To WWE Turning Her Affair With Edge Into A Storyline


Lita is a WWE Hall of Famer, a former Women’s Champion, and one of the most iconic female wrestlers of all time. With her unique look and her skills inside the ring she inspired an entire generation of women.

The Hall of Famer is well known for her in-ring work, but back in 2005 her personal life became a hot topic as well. At the time Lita was dating Matt Hardy, and while Matt was out of action with an injury she started traveling with Edge. Eventually one thing led to another, and her relationship with Edge became romantic.

Lita recently opened up about the topic while speaking to Lilian Garcia on her show Making Their Way To The Ring. She was very candid about the affair, and she admitted that both her and Edge knew they were going down a path that they shouldn’t.

“I know both of us were kind of like, ‘Oh sh*t’ you know once we started to-to realize we were more than just two bros just hanging out. And so the hard thing that has always been with this time period is, you know, we realized we were going down a path that we shouldn’t and what I mean by that is mentally, mentally. We’d kissed finally and freaked out…Adam was on the road and I said ‘Hey, you know what? Let’s take this as an opportunity. We need to be in our own worlds and evaluate and don’t do anything because you know, like don’t do anything for me, I’m not gonna do anything for you. I need to figure out what is right for my world. You need to figure out what’s right for your world. If we meet up on the other side, cool. If not, I support and respect whatever your decisions are. He’s like ‘Okay that seems like the mature adult thing to do.'”

The affair became such a big deal that it eventually led to Matt Hardy being fired from WWE, but Matt’s loyal fans made so much noise that WWE officials decided to bring him back.

Once Matt was brought back there was no avoiding the scandal that had taken place, so WWE decided to turn it into a storyline. When Lita was informed that WWE officials were planning on turning reality into a wrestling angle, she and Edge agreed that it was something they had to do.

“It became such a hot story and they said ‘They want to turn this into a story, but you guys have been professional, he hasn’t, there is money involved in this storyline, but it’s your call.’ You know we felt terrible he lost his job over it so we’re like ’Yeah, we made our bed we’ll lie in it.’”

Despite the fact that the affair obviously created some serious drama, Lita recently wished The Hardy Boyz well with their WWE return. You can check out the full episode of Making Their Way To The Ring with Lita below.

Lita Interview | AfterBuzz TV's Lilian Garcia's Making Their Way To The Ring


  1. I’ve always loved Lita. Haven’t gotten to the interview yet, but I never really picked sides in that situation anyway. Had her back the whole way, along with everyone else involved.


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