Kofi Kingston Talks About His Friendship With CM Punk


Kofi Kingston recently spoke withPhoenixNewTimes.com. Here are some highlights: 

There’s a video of CM Punk a few years ago where he called you his “road wife.” Before his recent departure, was that still true?

Yeah, we were each other’s road wives. With Punk, I consider him to be like a brother to me. He’s one of the guys who took me under his wing when I first came. So we’ve been able to maintain a good relationship. And there are very few people in the business that you can call true friends, so I consider Punk to be that and more. So yes, “road wife” is the term we used to sum that all up.

Speaking of streaming media and such, what’s your take on the new WWE Network that launches this month?

Well, it’s definitely a huge, huge deal for us. We’ve been trying to get this network off the ground, it’s finally going to happen. There’s going to be a lot of content, I can tell you that straight up — high flyers, the Attitude Era and just the history of the business and the future. They have so many ideas and so many different concepts that I think a lot of people are going to look forward to getting to see — just a different side of WWE superstars and the WWE in general and how it’s presented. And it’s really inexpensive, like $10 a month, and you get so much material, including pay-per-views, for that amount.


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