WWE Writer Fired Because Vince McMahon Was Mentioned During Hall Of Fame Speech

vince mcmahon

Vince McMahon has repeatedly stressed that he doesn’t want to be mentioned during the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, but it looks like one Vince McMahon name drop cost a writer his job.

PWInsider is reporting that creative team member Robert Evans was let go over WrestleMania week, and according to several sources he was let go after he produced a segment during the Hall of Fame ceremony which mentioned Vince McMahon.

When McMahon’s name was mentioned, Evans took the blame as the producer of the segment, and one source noted that he was fired right in the gorilla position as the Hall of Fame ceremony was taking place.

Bret Hart’s induction ceremony featured a story about Vince McMahon reacting to The Hart Foundation and praising their work, but it’s not confirmed whether or not Evans worked on that specific speech yet.

Later in the night DX mentioned Vince McMahon’s name quite a few times during their induction speech, and it’s being said that the references may have been inspired by McMahon’s reaction to being name dropped earlier in the show.


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